Ouça “História Hoje” 08/07: Kim Il- Sung, líder da Coreia do Norte, morreu há 22 anos

PYONGYANG, NORTH KOREA: This file picture dated 15 April 1992 shows North Korean President Kim Il-Sung waving during the celebration marking his 80th birthday at Kim Il-Sung stadium in Pyongyang. The Chinese government announced last week it would not send "anyone" to attend Il-Sung's 92nd anniversary in response to North Korea's refusal of international nuclear inspections. (Photo credit should read JIJI PRESS/AFP/Getty Images)
PYONGYANG, NORTH KOREA:  This file picture dated 15 April 1992 shows North Korean President Kim Il-Sung waving during the celebration marking his 80th birthday at Kim Il-Sung stadium in Pyongyang. The Chinese government announced last week it would not send "anyone" to attend Il-Sung's  92nd anniversary in response to North Korea's  refusal of international nuclear inspections. (Photo credit should read JIJI PRESS/AFP/Getty Images)
PYONGYANG, NORTH KOREA: This file picture dated 15 April 1992 shows North Korean President Kim Il-Sung waving during the celebration marking his 80th birthday at Kim Il-Sung stadium in Pyongyang. The Chinese government announced last week it would not send “anyone” to attend Il-Sung’s 92nd anniversary in response to North Korea’s refusal of international nuclear inspections. (Photo credit should read JIJI PRESS/AFP/Getty Images)

Em 8 de julho de 1994 morria, aos 82 anos, Kim Il-Sung, então presidente da Coreia do Norte e um dos principais líderes políticos do país.


Apresentação Gláucia Gomes


Sung nasceu em abril de 1912, em Pyongyang – atual capital do país – na época uma região ocupada pelo Japão, que controlava a península da Coreia desde o final do século 19. A família de Kim foi obrigada a fugir para a Manchúria, na China, por ter participado de atividades anti-japonesas.


Passou a se interessar pela ideologia do comunismo, filiando-se ao Partido Comunista da China. Em 1935, como líder popular guerrilheiro, passou a comandar milícias em ações contra os japoneses. E assume o nome Kim Il Sung, que significa “torne-se o sol”.


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